
Status: Common Catalogue

DUKE is a new variety that is already registered in several European countries including France and Poland. It has been trialled and tested extensively in the UK during the past two years.
DUKE is a high yielding variety with excellent Oil Content of 45.6. It boasts three sought-after traits – TuYV protection, pod-shatter resistance and the RLM7 gene for stem canker resistance which, added to Its powerful autumn vigour, makes DUKE a must for growers planting into higher risk situations.

DUKE has a medium green leaf and is quick to put on additional leaves within the critical first 45 days of growth. The N-efficiency of this hybrid variety is extremely high supporting some impressive scores so far this year thanks to its extensive rooting system. DUKE’s standing power and resistance too are everything you would expect from a DSV variety.

DUKE has also shown exceptional vigour in the spring, making a quick start to grow away from other varieties. It has a mid-early flowering score but is slightly later to mature – this, in conjunction with DUKE’s Pod-Shatter Resistance package, will help to spread the harvest workload. The quick flowering period also gives DUKE far higher potential for optimum grain-fill.

  • Yielding variety with excellent Oil Content
  • TuYV protection
  • Pod-shatter resistance and the RLM7 gene

Yield information

Gross Output (%) 105
Seed yield (%) 105
Oil content (%) 45.6
Gross Output (%) 105
Seed yield (%) 105
Oil content (%) 45.6


Winter hardness
+ + +
Autumn vigour
+ + +
Spring vigour
+ + +
Winter hardness
+ + +
Autumn vigour
+ + +
Spring vigour
+ + +

Agronomics Features

Resistance to lodging
(strong to very strong)
Stem Stiffness
(strong to very strong)
Beginning of flowering
(medium to late)
Resistance to light leaf spot
(high to very high)
Resistance to stem canker
(high to very high)

Data Source: Extensive DSV Data

Resistance to lodging
(strong to very strong)
Stem Stiffness
(strong to very strong)
Beginning of flowering
(medium to late)
Resistance to light leaf spot
(high to very high)
Resistance to stem canker
(high to very high)

Data Source: Extensive DSV Data

All specified information is given to the best of our knowledge and belief, but without guarantee on completeness and correctness. Despite care we cannot guarantee that the described characteristics are repeatable / comprehensive in agricultural practice in each case. DSV United Kingdom Ltd. excludes adhesion for damage or claims for damages, resulting of the use for the variety specified in this description.